Good Times

Paris 09 23 2023 21
Sony A7rIII | Sony 35mm 1.8 | 1/320th | f 2.8 | iso 640

The 2023 Techno Parade in Paris is definitely the place to find people having a great time. Even if you don’t know what is going on or why, it’s a crazy awesome, roving street party. The wonderful thing for the street photographer is that everyone is happy to have their photos taken. No need to be sneaky or subtle, just raise your camera to your eye and this is the sort of thing that happens!

What The??!!

valencia street 03182023 003
Sony A7rIII | Sony 35mm 1.8 | 1/200th | f 2.5 | iso 100

When Fallas is in full swing here in Valencia, you can be sure there will be lots of opportunities to grab some interesting moments. This particular moment makes me smile every time I see it. There are two stories happening here (at least) with one being told by the young lady on the right and the one we can’t see in the frame that our expressive young lady on the left is seeing. Our out of “uniform” Fallera (judging by her hair) on the left’s expression here is priceless, and I look back on this and wish I had the wherewithal to have looked over to see what she was viewing.

Well, Where is It?

Valencia Street 12182022024
Sony A7rIII | Sony 35mm 1.8 FE | 1/1000th | f 2.5 | iso 100

One of my favorite street shots since I started taking them. Shot on Carrer de la Pau here in Valencia, I absolutely love the expression on the woman’s face here as she patiently (or no so patiently) waits for her companion to hand her something. Since they’re standing at a door, I’m assuming he’s looking for the key, but I didn’t stick around long enough to see the ending of the story. Shot from the hip here and processed in Adobe Camera Raw.

The Critic – Marietta, Georgia

Marietta Downtown 54

The Artist Market in downtown Marietta, Georgia apparently isn’t just for people. While the dog on the left seems ready to move on, the french bulldog on the right isn’t quite finished evaluating the impressionistic piece he’s viewing. I didn’t stick around long enough to discover if he eventually approved of the painting or not, but I hope the artist was pleased with the final judgement of the furry critic.

Sony A7rIII | Samyang 45mm 1.8 lens | 1/250th | f 2.0 | iso 3200
Processed in Adobe Camera Raw

Big Bunny – Valencia

Valencia Street 111322 016

On this November evening is 2022, the Plaça de l’Ajuntament was full of activity and the street performers were out in force, including this Big Bunny. We have several regulars in this area including Panda, Golden, and Polar “bears” along with a Bumblebee transformer, and several others. This interaction between boy and bunny caught my eye and was lucky enough to grab this moment before it got away.

Sony A7rIII | Sony 35mm 1.8 lens | 1/160th | f 1.8 | iso 3200
Processed in Adobe Camera Raw